Wednesday, July 22, 2009



Employee name_______________________________________________________________

Supervisor name_______________________________________________________________

Documentation of _____ Written warning or _____ Verbal warning

Statement of the problem:______________________________________



Has the employee received prior warnings on this subject? Yes No

Was the employee's activity in violation of Company policy? Yes No

If yes, describe how: ______________________________________________________


Describe the corrective action to be taken by the Company and/or employee: _______________________________________________________________________


Consequences of failure to improve performance or correct behavior: _______________________________________________________________________


Employee Statement: _____________________________________________________



Employee Signature: ___________________________________ Date_____________

Supervisor Signature: __________________________________ Date_____________


These forms are provided AS IS. They may not be any good. Even if they are good in one jurisdiction, they may not work in another. And the facts of your situation may make these forms inappropriate for you. They are for informational purposes only, and you should consult an attorney before using them.

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